Have you ever heard of agile management ?

07/06/2019 by Hicham HMICHE​

Le management agile

In the current context, managers have to adapt constantly if they want to keep their objectives and remain successful. It is difficult to say what the professional world will be like tomorrow and in this situation, the best solution seems to be agile management.

What is "agile management" ?

The globalisation of exchanges and the digitalisation of the professional world oblige the manager to to show a great capacity for adaptation. Procedures are constantly evolving and the manager must integrate at best these many changes.
This state of affairs requires great adaptability on the part of the agile manager. In the current context, constantly on the move and with an uncertain future, the manager needs to be able to anticipate, react quickly, adapt to changing circumstances, and be able to creativity to to counteract the unforeseen that often arise.
He will have to act urgently while mastering changes and having a clear and precise vision of the objectives in order to continue to unite a united and confident team around him.
In this context, the relationship with its employees must be with benevolence and clear-sightedness. The agile manager knows how to energize his troops, knows how to motivate his team in a climate of trust. Its employees must feel that they can evolve and progress while enjoying a certain degree of autonomy.
The agile manager is above all a caring leader who knows how to get the best out of his employees. He does not hesitate to delegate, encourage, motivate and lead the way.

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Agile management is the future of your company.

Maintaining a company's growth in today's world is a real challenge. This is where agile management comes into its own. It is so difficult to stay the course in the changing context of the professional world if often prey to incessant changes that shake up certainties.

An integrated company in globalisation

You no longer manage a company as you used to, and being innovative in management today allows you to survive and continue to perform well. If you want to be attractive, you will have to integrate new ways of working and coping with the modern vision of work. This will enable you to reach out to your young employees who like to work in co-construction and project mode.
The globalisation of trade has made competition between companies harder and harder. The need to be recognised and to be competitive forces you to rethink the evolution of your structure. In order not to To stay out of globalisation and to be fully integrated into it, you will have to evolve, propose innovative solutions and demonstrate a great capacity to react.

The digitalisation of exchanges

This feeling of rapid and constant change is reinforced by the digitalisation of the professional world. Digitisation is a permanent factor of evolution in the world of work and is today a an inseparable tool for a competitive and modern company that moves with the times and uses digital and digital tools to increase its health and to ensure a peaceful future. Agile management is therefore the best solution to meet the new challenges linked to globalisation and digitalisation and to unite around the manager a whole team of confident and experienced people. which will ensure that the company is kept up to date with new requirements and performance.

How to implement agile management within your structure?

There are several tools, simple to integrate into your company and which will facilitate the task of the agile manager. Digitalisation, for example, offers a whole range of indispensable tools for efficient and effective management. modern.

Social networks at your service

To facilitate exchanges and boost communication within your company, nothing beats social networks. They have the advantage of being fast, easy to consult, to respond in time and in a timely manner. hour to unforeseen events, to communicate instantly and to obtain almost immediate answers. They represent a considerable time and energy saving in the service of efficiency and transparency. This tool allows you to reach all your employees in a short time and to easily integrate your entire team around a project and thus more easily federate the vital forces of your company.
Meetings are also essential tools in the conduct of a project. The agile manager must be constructive and productive during these meetings. He will be keen to think it through and prepare it well in advance. He will be able to take advantage of its team to generate innovative ideas and unite energies around a project carried by all its employees.

Management in SaaS mode

The use of the SaaS mode is strongly recommended in the conduct of a company project . Thanks to this new tool, the data is no longer stored in the company's internal servers, but are available and accessible at all times and easily consultable from any internet connection. It thus offers greater flexibility in the work process to enhance performance and speed. of execution.

Feedback without moderation

The agile manager must ensure good communication within his company. It is up to him to organise feedback in order to increase transparency and efficiency. This feedback should not be felt as a criticism or judgement on the way in which employees work, but should be an opportunity to motivate, give new directions and provide positive encouragement. Even if it may be necessary to correct a behaviour, the agile manager will do so in a benevolent manner, always starting with the positive side. Feedback should be given on a regular basis so that teams can work with confidence.

A kind organizer

The agile manager must also ensure a good working climate within his company. To do this, it is up to them to rethink and redesign work spaces or organise events that will relax and weld their employees together. employees.