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clause de confidentialite

Understanding the confidentiality clause

The purpose of the confidentiality clause is to ensure that specific information is kept within a work structure…

management par objectif

The emergence of management by objectives

To give a clear idea of the concept, we can contrast management by objectives with all the so-called classic or traditional management methods.…

management agile

Have you ever heard of agile management?

In the current climate, managers need to adapt constantly if they are to maintain their objectives and remain successful…

rgpd rh

The impact of the RGPD on human resources

Entering into force on 25 May 2018, the new data protection regulation is not without impact for professionals…

recrutement startup

Recruiting in a start-up: key points for success

Generally speaking, start-ups often need to recruit. Recruitment within a start-up is therefore a real challenge for the company…

lire email professionnel

Can an executive spy on business emails? ?

In principle, e-mail correspondence is protected by confidentiality. But when exchanges take place in the workplace…

Congé solidaire

The usefulness of solidarity leave

How does solidarity leave work? Who does it concern? What are the benefits for employees? What's in it for the company? ?

Recruter des salariés avec Linkedin

Recruiting with LinkedIn : how does it work?

Social networks have gradually taken over both the personal and professional spheres. As a result, they are changing the way we approach our work…

fideliser et motiver ses salaries

How to motivate and retain employees

Seminars are essential for motivating employees and building loyalty. They are generally organised once a year, over a period of several days…

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bien etre et amenagement des espaces de travail

How can a workspace be designed to improve employee well-being?

Well-being in the workplace is a criterion that is becoming increasingly important for companies…

L'autonomie des salariés

Giving employees more autonomy

No-one can deny the growing need for freedom felt by employees. The problem is that this need is not very often satisfied…

externalisation paie

Outsourcing payroll: advantages and disadvantages

Before we look in more detail at the disadvantages and advantages, let's ask ourselves why outsourcing payroll cannot be universally accepted…

Réussir une réunion virtuelle

Three mistakes to avoid for a successful virtual meeting

It's not always easy to know which technological accessories are essential for a good virtual meeting. We often make the mistake of…


Knowing how to code will become essential

Today, more than 3 out of 4 French companies have begun the digitalisation process. Just ten years ago…

Rythme des salaries au travail

Respect the rhythm of each employee ?

You've probably found it hard to get out of bed some mornings or, on the contrary, you've had bursts of energy and ideas when you've been away from the office…


Measuring your e-reputation

Your company's e-reputation is not just a development factor. It is now a vector for your success or failure…

intuition et recrutement

Using intuition to recruit

There's no denying that recruiting a new employee has a strategic dimension. So the slightest mistake can lead to real losses. Because employing someone is not without cost…

gerer une equipe a distance

Managing a team remotely

Teleworking is becoming widespread in many companies. However, many managers are still prejudiced about managing a team remotely…

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E-learning is making increasing headlines in the business world, but especially in the world of training: it enables a large number of people to receive training via the Internet…

recruter avec facebook

Recruiting with Facebook

The first step to successful recruitment on Facebook is to check what already exists on the network…


E-recruitment: a wind of renewal for HR

HR practices are constantly evolving, which is beneficial to business development. Recruitment is one of the areas that has undergone significant reform…

Fighting absenteeism through sport

Fighting absenteeism through sport

Not surprisingly, absenteeism at work is a poison for many companies in France. And the trend is unfortunately far from downward. According to the 8th Ayming Absenteeism Barometer…

The most popular professional training courses

The most popular professional training courses

The trend is omnipresent and the world of vocational training is no exception. Assert yourself as a proactive HRD and expand your training catalogue with offers…

Dates of maternity leave

Dates of maternity leave

What is referred to as this leave in everyday language is actually two distinct rest periods, separated by the birth of the child. First of all, the first step…

Go to work in snowy weather

Working in snowy weather

France is sometimes paralyzed by heavy snowfalls. If it rarely lasts more than a few days, the journey from home to work can be disrupted…

Successful job interview

Successful job interview

When applying for a particular position, it is important to be well prepared to meet the needs of the company…

The 5 essential qualities to be a good manager

The 5 essential qualities to be a caring manager

Workplace stress has become a real scourge, whether in France or around the world. Faced with this phenomenon, companies are investing in well-being…

Wage portage

Wage portage

The term may seem strange and somewhat obscure. However, it is easy to define wage portability. This is a relatively new way of working…

The CDD Tremplin

CDD Tremplin revolutionizes the labour market

A brand new opportunity has just appeared on the French labour market: the CDD Tremplin. If everyone knows the modalities and context well…

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The break in the company

The importance of the break in the company

Some company managers are irritated by employees who like to take a break from time to time. Indeed, how to respect the deadlines imposed by customers…

Diversity in companies

Diversity of profiles, a challenge for the company

In 2004, the Corporate Diversity Charter was drafted and signed by many business leaders. Created to ensure the diversity of profiles…

Smoking and vapoter in the workplace

Smoking and vaporizing in the workplace

Smokers and steamers are required to do without steaming and smoking in their workplace. The question arose when the e-liquids…

Automotive fleet

Motor fleet management, a mission for HR

Vehicle fleet management is generally assigned to the administrative, technical and logistics departments of a company…

Properly integrating employees

The importance of a good integration of new employees

How to integrate new employees into the company must be one of the priorities of Human Resources. Indeed, a good integration…

Days off 2019

All public holiday dates 2019

New Year's Day, Easter Monday, Labour Day, Allied Victory, Ascension Thursday, Whit Monday, National Day, Assumption Day, All Saints' Day…

Employee gifts

Giving gifts to employees for the holidays

Some companies are in the habit of offering gifts to employees at the end of each year. Others questioned the usefulness of this practice. Far from being an obligation…

Pathological leave

All about pathological leave

Pathological leave is reserved exclusively for women whose pregnancy is considered at risk. Medical problems must be detected…

annual evaluation interview

The keys to a successful annual evaluation interview

Usually at the end of the year, employers organise evaluation interviews. Some employees perceive this step as a source of stress…

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Pay for paid leave

Paying paid leave: Calculation methods

At the time of going on paid leave, the employee is entitled to the corresponding allowances. Its absence therefore has no negative impact on its budget…

Remote work

Telework: an increasingly common practice

Telework is a practice that began in the United States in the 1970s and then quickly spread to the rest of the world to meet the demands of modern life…

unequal wages for men and women

Men/women wage inequalities: persistent gaps in equal skills?

INSEE figures indicate that the difference in male and female employees is around 18.6%. About half of this gap seems unexplained …

Sabbatical leave

What is sabbatical leave?

An employee may wish to suspend his employment contract without leaving his position. Sabbatical leave is therefore an alternative to resignation…

Source sampling

Steps to successfully implement the withholding tax

The decision is now definitively adopted by the government. Income tax will be levied at source as from 1 January 2019…

Work after holidays

Entry: our tips for returning to work after holidays

The post-vacation blues and the stress that precedes the return to work make it difficult to start the school year…

Telephone calls at work

Can you use your phone during working hours?

For obvious reasons, it is impossible for the employer to totally prohibit the use of the telephone in the workplace…

Overtime hour

Overtime legislation?

In general, for employees who work overtime, the latter can increase revenues in an interesting way…

Leave for family events

All about family leave?

When you are an employee, you are subject to certain constraints that prevent you from taking days off when you wish…

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Leave without pay

Leave without pay: Conditions and remuneration?

Unlike other types of leave, unpaid leave does not currently have a very specific legal framework. No entry in the Labour Code…

Parental leave

How can I benefit from parental leave?

When a new child arrives home, the opportunity to take parental leave is particularly welcome. Indeed, "parental leave of education" allows an employee…

Co-working space

Coworking spaces: a new way of working

Coworking is a new way of working that has become increasingly popular over the years…

The closure of the company

That the law provides in the event of a summer closure of your business?

For many SMEs, the summer closure of the company can turn into a real administrative puzzle…

Unlimited leave

Unlimited leave: advantages and disadvantages

Since the Industrial Revolution, our relationship to work has evolved over the generations. With the advent of robotics,...

Falling ill during holidays

Fall ill during the holidays, can we postpone our holidays?

All employees benefit from 30 working days of paid leave at the expense of their employer each year. Some measures are therefore taken when he falls ill during his holidays...

Sick leave

What are the rights and obligations of sick leave?

There are many questions, both for the employee and the company, during a sick leave, but also for a work accident or...

absenteeism from work

How to combat absenteeism at work?

With an employee absent 16 days a year, France is no better ranked than Great Britain or Germany in terms of absenteeism at work...

adoption leave

What is adoption leave

When an employee adopts a child, it is possible for him/her to enjoy a adoption leave. To do this, it must respond to certain...

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Birth leave

Birth leave rules

When a child is born, a number of rights are granted to the biological father, as well as to the mother's spouse in the event of a separation...

All about sick child leave

All about sick child leave

When a child falls ill, it is often necessary for one of his parents to be absent from work...

All about paternity leave

Conditions and remuneration for paternity leave

All men in a profession (whether employed or not), job seekers, and...

All about maternity leave

Zoom on maternity leave in the private sector

Any woman who becomes pregnant can benefit from this leave before the birth of her child and after having...

How to manage leave requests

Advice: how to manage leave requests?

An employee, on permanent contract for several years in the company, works part-time 3 days a week...

All types of leave

Other holidays

Paid leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, family event leave...

paid leaves

The paid leaves

Who is entitled to paid leave? What is the reference period? How to calculate paid leave? Are some employees given priority for holidays?

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